360 degree capsular release for frozen shoulder An Innovative approach
A 60 year old female patient presented with severe shoulder pain and stiffness since last two years. She has been treated with rest, analgesics. steroid injections and physiotherapy with no relief. She had globally restricted movements in the shoulder with absolutely no external rotation. Normally for this condition in the region, manipulation under anaesthesia is done but the results are not predictable and also there is risk of fracture of the proximal humerus. Some surgeons in the region also do limited rotator Interval capsular release but that doesn't lead to global regain of movernents In the shoulder. After informed consent. Dr. Khan dld arthroscopic rotator interval capsular release along with Superior Gleno Humeral Ligament (SGHL), Coraco Humeral Ligament (CHL), Middle Gleno Humeral Ligament (MGHL) and Inferior Gleno Humeral Ligament (ID.) release. He switched the portals and completed the 360 degree capsular release around the glenoid labrurn.
Subscapularts muscle seen after the fele., f fv1GHL
Incidentally. this patient also had small articular side partial tear of Supraspinatus with fraying close to the Long Head of Biceps (LHB) which was debrided.There was full range of shoulder motion after the procedure. Dr. Khan did this procedure in lateral decubitus position which is very safe. It was done as a day care procedure and patient was discharged within 6 hours of the procedure. Frozen shoulder is a very comrnon condition in our region. This technique will lead to good relief of symptoms and regain of full range of motion in patients who had failed long conservative treatment.This is the first time such kind of procedure has been done in the shoulder in our region.